Welcome Inside Simulcast

We are very pleased to be launching a new podcast and blog dedicated exclusively to health care simulation.

So what can you expect from Simulcast?

  1. A monthly 30 minute podcast with expert guests discussing case-oriented solutions to a simulation question, drawing on the best available evidence when it exists and the tacit knowledge of health care simulation thought leaders in areas when evidence is scant.
  2. Blog postings, including a featured monthly interactive simulation journal club.
  3. ‘Pause and discuss’ episodes – intermittent short podcasts promoting or highlighting simulation events, grabbing spontaneous interviews with great simulation educators, researchers and technicians, and vox-pop style recaps from conferences and courses.
  4. An ever-growing, crowd-sourced compendium of excellent Free Open Access Meducation Simulation (#FOAMsim) resources.

The mission of Simulcast is simple – speeding up the translation of knowledge from evidence to practice



Stay tuned for the first episode of Simulcast coming next week! Subscribe on iTunes and drop in to the blog section for more.