I shifted to the other side of the mic a couple of weeks ago – as interviewee. I had spoken at a breakfast meeting of the Australasian College of Health Service Management, and was then interviewed by Anthony Frangi of @popupradioAU about Translational Simulation – my take on how we might think about using sim for quality improvement.
This is bloody brilliant. Vic you are so far ahead of the game it’s not funny. Listening to this is like peering into the future and seeing that every bright idea I think I have come up with is being done already on the Gold Coast plus more.
(except for the pornography side- 2 references in the last week- just what is the Simulcast team up to in Queensland?)
the big shame would be if this was podcast was heard only by sim educators and missed its other targets: the CEO’s, administrators, department heads, quality/risk teams and patient advocacy.
The gaming/VR industry should be looking at you with keen interest. @nickargall you once asked me what I thought VR could offer to health educators. Sky=limit.
I am very excited about translational sim as it is something I am trying to bring into my department. I use in-situ simulation with a focus on quality improvement, and improving relationships between departments. there is less emphasis on clinical skills and just by running the program I am seeing significant improvements in relationships between departments and identifying significant areas in need of improvement eg smart pumps and guidelines. I just haven’t been able to measure these outcomes apart from participant satisfaction, which on a whole is very positive. I am very keen to learn more… and this is such good ammunition to keep arguing my case. thanks VB