191 Simulcast Journal Club August 2024

Training as imagined?, sim for faster stroke treatment, simulation after key events, Implementing TALK for clinical debriefing.  Another great month on Simulcast. 

The articles: – 

Kerins, J., Ralston, K., Stirling, S.A. et al. Training as imagined? A critical realist analysis of Scotland’s internal medicine simulation programme. Adv Simul 9, 27 (2024) 

Ajmi SC, Kurz M, Lindner TW, et al. Does clinical experience influence the effects of team simulation training in stroke thrombolysis? A prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2024;14:e086413 

Diaz-Navarro, C., Jones, B., Pugh, G. et al. Improving quality through simulation; developing guidance to design simulation interventions following key events in healthcare. Adv Simul 9, 30 (2024). 

Diaz-Navarro C, Enjo-Perez I, Leon-Castelao E, Hadfield A, Nicolas-Arfelis JM, Castro-Rebollo P. Implementation of the TALK© clinical self-debriefing tool in operating theatres: a single-centre interventional study. Br J Anaesth. 2024 Jul 29:S0007-0912(24)00413-6. 

And also mentioned on the podcast  

The Self Development Module on ‘Introduction to Quality Improvement’ 

Happy listening! 

And… Date Claimers 

The Victorian Translational SIMposium 

6th September, Melbourne . Details and registration here  

Simulation Reconnect is on again  

Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Registration here