194 Simulcast Journal Club October 2024

In situ sim and latent safety threats, psychological safety ecosystems, reclaiming professional identity through simulation, and simulating Mt Everest expeditions. Another great month on Simulcast. 

The articles (with links): – 

Grace MA, O’Malley R. Using In Situ Simulation to Identify Latent Safety Threats in Emergency Medicine: A Systematic Review. Simul Healthc. 2024 Aug 1;19(4):243-253 

Eller S, Vlasses F, Horsley T, Connor J. Simulation psychological safety ecosystem: using constructivist grounded theory to explore nurses’ experiences with prelicensure simulation. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation. 2024 

Smith, S.E., Tallentire, V.R., Doverty, J. et al. Reclaiming identities: exploring the influence of simulation on refugee doctors’ workforce integration. Adv Simul 9, 37 (2024) 

Dieckmann, Peter et al. Combining storytelling and a scenario re-enactment of Mt. Everest expeditions to practice cognitive and social skills. Clinical Simulation In Nursing, Volume 96, 101591 

Happy listening! 

And… Don’t forget Simulation Reconnect is on again  

Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Registration here