Welcome to the first episode of Simulation 101 – and what better place to start than the pre-brief!
Have you ever been involved in a simulation where you didn’t really know what to do? Had the awkward feeling where you didn’t know what was ‘real’ or what was allowed?
In this episode we chat with Dr Warwick Isaacson, emergency physician and education fellow on the Gold Coast about the pre-brief. We delve into why he does a pre-brief, what his looks like and how he went about improving his pre-briefing skills. Listen for some practical strategies to improve your next simulation!
Some useful resources he refers to within the episode are listed below:
Rudolph JW, Raemer DB, Simon R. Establishing a safe container for learning in simulation: the role of the presimulation briefing. Simul Healthc. 2014 Dec;9(6):339-49. doi: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000047. PMID: 25188485.
Attached infographic by Dr Belinda Lowe and Dr Victoria Brazil