In the latest instalment of our Advances in Simulation (@AdvinSimulation) series, Vic was joined by Nora Colman (@noracolman) and Sue Barnes to discuss how simulation can be used to plan and test new healthcare facilities and systems.  They each brought immense personal experience to their publications, and we discussed ways to smooth the paths for others with […]

91 – Advances in Simulation: Sim for clinical systems and ...

We share some highlights of the #SimCongress19 held on the Gold Coast, Australia. The episode includes thoughtful reflections from our own Ben Symon, an interview with Tash Yates (@DrTashY)  about simulation to shape resilience in medical students, and Ian Summers (@IanMeducator)  on the conference highlights.  Thinking about conferences in 2020? Some links to the events Vic […]

90 – Simulcast at ASC19 Montage

At our live ‘Simulcast presents..” session at the Australasian Simulation Congress, Vic interviewed Sarah Janssens (@SJanssensSimOG), an Obstetrician / Gynaecologist ad simulation leader from the Mater Hospital. They speak about Sarah’s research on shared leadership in maternity teams – including models of leadership, measures of team performance, and what it means for how […]

88 – Simulcast Presents at ASC19 – Leadership with Sarah ...

Looking for great online simulation education resources for yourself or for your team’s faculty development?   In this episode Vic speaks with Christina Choung (@ckchoung) and Karen Schafer (@KarenShafer) from Vancouver Coastal Health about their new resources at https://bcsimulation.ca/  (you can also get there via https://simulation.vchlearn.ca/ )  We talked about the content of these modules, the challenges of faculty development, and some lessons learned […]

83 – FOAMsim and Online Learning with VCHlearn

The Australasian Simulation Congress is on 2nd–5th September at the Gold Coast. Check out the website-https://www.simulationcongress.com/ Vic spoke to Sharon Clipperton (@sjclipperton), the Congress convenor about the keynote speakers, abstracts and other highlights of the event. We also spoke with Komal Bajaj (@KomalBajajMD) about her talk–change, sustainability and ‘new power’ […]

82 – Australasian Sim Congress 2019 Preview

You’ve arrived at the place to get involved with Simulcast’s celebration of Healthcare Simulation Week 2019. In terms of format – please submit a short (under 3 minutes) audio recording (mp3 preferably) telling us a bit about what you and your team are doing in simulation or related activities (QI, […]

81 – Healthcare Simulation Week 2019

Welcome to the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast and monthly wrap post. Please read our pdf summary of the Journal Club article, the month’s discussion and our expert commentary here. Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month,   Bochatay, N., Bajwa, N., Blondon, K., Junod Perron, N., Cullati, S. and Nendaz, M. (2019). Exploring group boundaries and conflicts: a social identity […]

80 – Simulcast Journal Club Podcast Monthly Wrap July 2019

Welcome to the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast and monthly wrap post. Please read our pdf summary of the Journal Club article, the month’s discussion and our expert commentary here. Ben and Vic discuss the papers of the month, including expert commentary from Kristian Krogh. Eve Purdy, Charlotte Alexander, Melissah Caughley, Shane Bassett, Victoria Brazil. Identifying […]

79 – Simulcast Journal Club Podcast Monthly Wrap June 2019

“You suck at airway” – Scott Don’t play the anesthesiologist’s game.  For most emergency, critical care and prehospital providers, airway management is rare and episodic, providing little opportunity for practice, improvement and skill development.  Master one technique, know it cold: Scott talks single-technique mastery and first-pass success, anywhere other than […]

ResusTO ep. 4 – Critical Airway Management and Mindset (CRAMM). ...

Welcome to the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast and monthly wrap post. Please read our pdf summary of the Journal Club article, the month’s discussion and our expert commentary here. Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month, including expert commentary from Stuart Rose.  Hollingsworth, C., Wesley, C., Huckridge, J., Finn, G. and Griksaitis, M. (2017). Impact of […]

77 – Simulcast Journal Club Podcast Monthly Wrap April 2019

‘Non-technical skill’ is not a great term for the range of skills and behaviours we expect of our healthcare professionals. It also belies a not so subtle hierarchy of skills where ‘hard’, technical, ‘medical expertise’ are afforded primacy, sometimes to the detriment of our patient care.  Our latest collaborative podcast with Advances […]

76 – Advances in Simulation: Words Matter

Another debriefing course! Who benefits?  Kristian Krogh, Albert Chan, and Nancy McNaughton    Many health professional educators attend courses on simulation debriefing, but do they actually perform better as simulation debriefers as a result?   Writing in Advances in Simulation, Kristian Krogh (@DrKrogh), Albert Chan (@gaseousXchange) and Nancy McNaughton (@uto_nancy) provoke us to consider this issue in their commentary – Another debriefing course! […]

75 – Advances in Simulation: Another Debriefing Course! Who Benefits?

Our final podcast from IMSH starts with a deep dive in to how simulation might help us ‘train’ more comprehensive leadership skills and behaviours – not just in the resus room, but rather in quality improvement and change management. @davidgrantsim , President of @SESAMSimulation , spoke to Vic on the topic.   Ben then turned our attention to followership […]

73 – Ben & Vic at IMSH with David Grant, ...

Welcome to the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast and monthly wrap post. Please read our pdf summary of the Journal Club article, the month’s discussion and our expert commentary here. Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month, including expert commentary from Ann Mullen (@keepsimsafe)  Schroeder J, O’Neal C, Jagneaux T. “Practically Saline”. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2015;3(4):2324709615618980 […]

72 – Simulcast Journal Club Podcast Monthly Wrap February 2019

Our third podcast from IMSH starts with a focus on disruptive innovation, big data and artificial intelligence, based on the opening plenary by Joel Selanikio (@jselanikio) who also gave a TeD talk on the topic. Vic had a fan girl moment speaking to Ron Harden, living legend of medical education and General secretary of AMEE, abut his reactions […]

71 – Ben & Vic at IMSH with Ron Harden, ...

Our second podcast from #IMSH2019 features a deep dive on Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice with Bram Welch-Horan (@DrBramPedsER ), and some reflections on the topic from Belinda Lowe (@Belinda_J_Lowe ), Bond University Simulation Fellow.  We then shifted focus to research and publishing in simulation with Michelle Kelly (@KellyKelmich )   summarising the session on […]

70 – Ben & Vic at IMSH with Bram Welch-Horan, ...

In this special edition of Simulcast, we feature three articles on simulation applied to point of care ultrasound (POCUS).  Vic visited the team at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Ultrasound Division (@jeff_sono) in Philadelphia, led by Dr Resa E. Lewiss (@ultrasoundREL)    Resa chose 3 articles for us to review, each focused on different aspects of using simulation for POCUS education. These have obvious […]

69 – Journal Club Special Edition Sim & Sonography with ...

The International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) will be in San Antonio, TX, USA in January 26-30th, 2019.   Simulcast has partnered with the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) to cover the event for our listeners, and Ben and Vic will be bringing you the highlights of plenary talks, research updates and the […]

65 – Simulcast Goes To IMSH

Welcome to the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast and monthly wrap post. Please read our pdf summary of the Journal Club article, the month’s discussion and our expert commentary here. Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month, including expert commentary from Dr Marc Berg.  Resuscitation Education Science: Educational Strategies to Improve Outcomes From Cardiac […]

64 – Simulcast Journal Club Podcast Monthly Wrap October 2018

In situ simulation is increasingly popular for all the right reasons – highly realistic training with opportunities for team and systems testing. We’ve recognized there are risks, especially disruption of service and physical safety. But what about those patient and families ‘exposed’ to ISS? What do they think about it? What are their risks? And what […]

62 – Healthcare Consumers and In Situ Simulation

Welcome to the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast and monthly wrap post. Please read our pdf summary of the Journal Club article, the month’s discussion and our expert commentary here. Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month, including expert commentary from Dr Gabriel Reedy (@gabereedy).  Cheng, A., Palaganas, J., Eppich, W., Rudolph, J., Robinson, T. and […]

61 – Simulcast Journal Club Podcast Monthly Wrap September 2018

A special cross-publication with the Center for Medical Simulation https://harvardmedsim.org/blog/victoria-brazil-translational-simulation/  Victoria Brazil: Translational Simulation Since the start of the modern simulation era, many in the healthcare simulation community have taken a “Field of Dreams” approach to our simulation efforts, believing, like the character Ray Kinsella in the movie of the […]

60 – CMS & Simulcast Translational Sim

  SimOps is a healthcare simulation training and education event for operations and technical professionals. The conference attracts 200+ professionals to participate in workshops, hand-on sessions, leadership discussions and networking events.  In this ‘pause and discuss’ I am joined by David Biffar, Assistant Director, Operations, from the Arizona Simulation Technology […]

54 – SSIH Sim Ops Pause & Discuss

Welcome to the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast and monthly wrap post. Please read our pdf summary of the November Journal Club article, the month’s discussion and our expert commentary here.   Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month.  Hicks, C. and Petrosoniak, A.   “The Human Factor : Optimising Trauma Team Performance in Dynamic Clinical Environments ”  Emergency Medicine […]

Simulcast Journal Club Podcast 11 February Wrap

Our next joint podcast with Advances in Simulation focused on the SESAM Conference.  SESAM is the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine, and hosts an annual conference.  This podcast was inspired by a blog post by Gabe Reedy highlighting the ‘best of’ work presented at SESAM 2017 in […]

Advances in Simulation: SESAM

In the next of our series with Advances in Simulation, we consider Dieckmann et al.  Variation and adaptation: learning from success in patient safety-oriented simulation training  In their own words “we describe the learning from success (LFS) approach to simulation and debriefing. Drawing on several theoretical frameworks, we suggest supplementing […]

Advances in Simulation: Learning From Success

A highlight of my recent trip to Canada was meeting many simulation experts and enthusiasts.   Adam Cheng (@DocChenger) suggested we record a podcast on faculty development in simulation programs, as we also had Dawn Taylor Petersen from the University of Alabama and Ryan Brydges (@rbrydges) from the Wilson Centre at University of Toronto visiting.  We’re very pleased to release this podcast jointly […]

Debrief 2 Learn X-over: Faculty Development

Kyla Caners (@drcaners) from emsimcases.com was our guest on this Simulcast episode on scenario design. She and Jesse shared tips on knowing what you’re trying to achieve, planning the scenario, using templates, finding ‘supporting objects and ‘road testing’ and peer review for sim cases. Design requires a lot of attention to detail […]

ep. 11 – Designing Better Sim Cases

Many healthcare simulation programs are aimed at improving patient safety, and yet these programs also carry their own safety risks – to participants, and to the institutions and patients whose safety we are trying to improve.  Ann Mullen joined us in this episode of Simulcast to discuss the Foundation for Simulation Safety – an initiative that she and Dan Raemer from Center for Medical […]

Pause & Discuss – The Harms Involved in Improving Patient ...

Welcome to the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast and September monthly wrap post. Please read our pdf summary of the July Journal Club article, the month’s discussion and our expert commentary here. In our September journal club podcast Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month   Chung HS, Dieckmann P, Issenberg SB. It is time to consider cultural differences […]

Simulcast Journal Club Podcast 8 & September Wrap

In the third of our series with Advances in Simulation, we discuss Tracing the prescription journey: a qualitative evaluation of an interprofessional simulation-based learning activity.  Cooke et al. evaluated an interprofesional simulation activity involving medical and pharmacy students, using a qualitative analysis. The simulation involved followed a patient journey from presentation in a community setting, through an assessment and prescribing process, to the dispensing […]

Advances in Simulation: Tracing the Prescription Journey

Serious Games Stream Ben Symon covered the “Serious Games” stream at the Australasian Simulation Congress in Sydney. Serious Games “…are those designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment”.   The ASC included the Serious Games Showcase & Challenge – Australasia (SGSCA), with a number of outstanding entrants.  Dale Linegar convened the Games section of the ASC. He spoke to […]

Official Broadcast: Australasian Simulation Congress – Serious Games Stream

Day 3 at the Australasian Simulation Congress in Sydney Victoria Brazil and Ben Symon hosted a wrap of Day 3 at the ASC.  Our coverage starts with a session on “Hands off teaching” with Rod Peadon and David Gillespie from Coffs Harbour.  We then covered the final health plenary on The future of healthcare simulation, involving some leading figures from the simulation community. Leonie […]

Official Broadcast: Australasian Simulation Congress – Day 3 Wrap

In the second of our series with Advances in Simulation, we consider Ryan Brydges 2016 editorial – From simulation research to education policy: how much evidence is enough?   In this article he considers the question – What level of evidence is required for translation of healthcare simulation research to policy? or institutional practice ?  Ryan uses the specific example […]

Advances in Simulation: From Research to Policy, How Much Evidence ...

Michelle Kelly (@KellyKelmich) was our guest on Simulcast for the inaugural Book Review, discussing Healthcare Simulation Education: Evidence Theory and Practice – a recently published textbook for the simulation practitioner.   Editors Debral Nestel, Michelle Kelly, Brian Jolly and Marcus Watson have drawn together a diverse range of authors to produce […]

Simulcast Book Review – ‘Healthcare Simulation Education: Evidence Theory and ...

The dasSMACC (social medial and critical care) conference was recently held in Berlin. Simulation was a theme woven throughout the conference, and we thought a simulcast episode recapping on some of the messages and themes was timely. Smacc has arguably redefined the way we think about medical conferences – great […]

ep. 9 – The Trojan Horse of Simulation

Sara-Catrin Cook joined me for short chat about all things sim at smacc. Sara is part of a group who has put together a comprehensive simulation theme woven through the conference, including the SIMHaus – a showcase within the Tempdrom where attendees can meet and talk to other simulation enthusiasts […]


In an effort to streamline blog posts, we are trialling a merged Journal Club Podcast and monthly wrap post. There were some great responses from our journal clubbers this month, and we have a non-judgemental expert commentary from debriefing maestro, Dr Adam Cheng. Please read our pdf summary of the article, the month’s […]

Simulcast Journal Club Podcast 4 & April 2017 Wrap

This episode was a ‘mix tape’ of moulage and other techniques to achieve physical realism in simulations – including procedural and anatomy teaching Clare Scott offered her considerable expertise in moulage and making bespoke manikins for trauma simulations. She emphasized keeping in simple, keeping it real and doing your research – online […]

ep 7. Moulage and Making Stuff

In our March journal club podcast Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month Marshall, S. D. (2017) “Helping experts and expert teams perform under duress: an agenda for cognitive aid research.” Anaesthesia, 72: 289–295. doi:10.1111/anae.13707. We shared some highlights from the online discussion, and Ben’s pdf summary is also included here. There’s more to a good […]

Simulcast Journal Club Podcast 3

Learning to be an effective simulation educator is a challenge. Education theory and practice, technical aspects and leadership are just some of the knowledge and skills involved. In this episode of Simulcast we were joined by Demian Szyld, (pronounced ‘shield’…….. “like the weapon” he told me).  Demian (@demianszyld)  is the […]

ep 6. Fellowship of the Sim – Training to be ...

In our February journal club podcast Ben and Vic discuss the paper of the month “Communication in interdisciplinary teams: exploring closed-loop communication during in situ trauma team training”. We shared some highlights from the online discussion, and Ben’s pdf summary is also included here. In short, it seems there’s more to communication skills training than […]

Simulcast Journal Club Podcast 2

Happy New Year from Simulcast We’ve really enjoyed the Journal Club at Simulcast over the last 6 months. A great array of articles, insightful comments from readers and nice perspectives from expert contributors, and brilliantly curated by Ben Symon. We hope it’s another way to bring the healthcare simulation community […]

Simulcast Journal Club Podcast 1

Make the unpredictable, predictable enough Case: We considered this an all too familiar case study…… You’re facilitating a sim session in your ED. The junior docs and the nurses arrive,  a few straggle in late. You do a nice RTR (Round the room) but everyone seems a bit anxious and they are shifting in their […]

8 – The Safe Container for Simulation

1 – Pause and Discuss with Jessica Stokes-Parish Jessica Stokes-Parish (@j_stokesparish) was a co-convenor for the 2016 Australasian Simulation Congress. In this short interview on Day 1 we talked about the highlights of the conference so far, and her work on women speakers at conferences and women in STEM more […]

5, 6 & 7 – Vic at Aus Sim Congress

Debriefing is a social event – wisdom from Walter Eppich   Case: Ellen felt anxious walking into the debrief room. The ED team had just finished an in situ simulation where the focus was on rapid sequence intubation (RSI) in head injury, and using the new intubation checklist. This was […]

3 – Eppich Debriefing

Case:  You have been asked to develop a five-year strategic plan for simulation services in your hospital. Through your literature review you recall an article by David Gaba, ‘The future vision of simulation in healthcare’. All your dreams have been answered. In 2004 Gaba mapped the dimensions of organisational applications of simulation. You are thrilled […]

1 – The Future Vision of Simulation in Health Care. ...